Contact Us

Email: info@exclusiveboathaulage.co.nz
Phone: 09 407 8556
Mobile: JJ 021 759 901 - Shelley 021 426 509
Wherever you are in New Zealand, if yopu need a boat relocated, we would love to hear from you.
You are welcome to use the contact details below or the contact form.
We welcome calls & emails regarding boat haulage, but also like to know a bit about your vessel first.
Please click the 'W' Word document below, fill in the details save and email it off to us. This will give us a chance to learn more about your needs.
Once we've had a look over the details, we'll be in touch to discuss your boat haulage options.
Contact Form
Vessel Information
For a better understanding of how we can assist your boat move.
Click on the W icon above, to download the Vessel Information form in word document format. Fill in as much detail as you can, save and send back to us attached to an email, or copy paste the text into the body of an email. Once we've had a look over the details, we'll be in touch to discuss your boast relocation options.
For assistance call Shelley on - 021 426 509